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127 lines
/* *********************************************************************************
FILE: AboutMandel.c
DESCRIPTION: Puts up the About Mandelbrot Window & waits for mouse click.
AUTHOR: Bruce E. Gladstone
Copyright © 1990 by Bruce E. Gladstone, All Rights Reserved.
Revision History:
5/1/90 - Release to Compuserve
******************************************************************************** */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <WindowMgr.h>
#include <MenuMgr.h>
#include <EventMgr.h>
#include <ToolboxUtil.h>
#include <ControlMgr.h>
#include <color.h>
#include <colortoolbox.h>
#include "Mandelbrot.h"
/* ---------------------------- Global Variables ---------------------------------- */
extern int colorQD;
extern int quitFlag;
extern int linearFlag;
extern int custPict;
extern int numColorBits;
extern int numColors, brushSize;
extern int limit;
extern int n;
extern long startTime, now;
extern float res;
extern float centx, centy;
extern float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
extern float delx, dely;
/* ---------------------------- Global MacTypes ----------------------------------- */
extern Str255 str;
extern CTabHandle myColorHandle;
extern RGBColor aColor;
extern Rect myRect, dragRect;
extern WindowPtr aboutWindow;
extern MenuHandle appleMenu, mandelMenu, editMenu, xMenu, yMenu, resMenu, timeMenu;
extern WindowPtr myWindow;
/* --------------------------- Local Prototypes --------------------------------- */
void aboutDialog ( void );
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
About Dialog - put up about window (includes instructions),
wait for user to go away 5/01/90 beg
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
aboutDialog ()
GrafPtr oldPort;
Rect tempRect;
GetPort ( &oldPort );
SetRect ( &tempRect, 30, 60, 482, 292 );
aboutWindow = NewWindow ( nil, &tempRect, '', TRUE, dBoxProc,
(WindowPtr)-1, TRUE, 0 );
SetPort ( aboutWindow );
ForeColor ( redColor );
TextFont ( helvetica );
TextSize ( 14 );
MoveTo ( 8,30 );
DrawString ( "\pMandel by Dan Allen - January 1989" );
MoveTo ( 8,48 );
DrawString ( "\pModified by Bruce Gladstone - May 1990" );
TextFont ( courier );
ForeColor ( blueColor );
TextSize ( 10 );
MoveTo ( 8,67 );
DrawString ("\pVersion - 1.1 built February 16, 1990 with Lightspeed C." );
MoveTo ( 8,79 );
DrawString ("\pFractals - Discovered by Benoit Mandelbrot." );
MoveTo ( 8,91 );
DrawString ("\pSoftware - Classic black and white or Color QuickDraw." );
MoveTo ( 8,103 );
DrawString ("\pHardware - Use a MC68881/2 for serious speedup." );
MoveTo ( 8,115 );
DrawString ("\pShift Click - Zooms in by a factor of two." );
MoveTo ( 8,127 );
DrawString ("\pOption Click - Zooms out by a factor of two." );
MoveTo ( 8,139 );
DrawString ("\pCmd Click - Cycles through 6 classic locations." );
MoveTo ( 8,151 );
DrawString ("\pClick - Moves center but not the magnification." );
MoveTo ( 8,163 );
DrawString ("\pCmd Opt Click - Resets to a standard Mandelbrot view." );
MoveTo ( 8,175 );
DrawString ("\pMenu Bar - Shows coordinates of current screen center." );
MoveTo ( 8,187 );
DrawString ("\pLimits - Number of loops to determine a pixel's color." );
MoveTo ( 8,199 );
DrawString ("\pMod Colors - Repeats colors Modulo the colors available." );
MoveTo ( 8,211 );
DrawString ("\pLinear Colors - Progression through the available colors." );
while ( !Button ()) SystemTask();
DisposeWindow ( aboutWindow );
SetPort ( oldPort );
FlushEvents( mUpMask+mDownMask+activMask, 0 );
} /* aboutDialog () */
/* =============================== EOF ==========================================
Copyright © 1990 by Bruce E. Gladstone, All Rights Reserved.
================================================================================ */